√無料でダウンロード! i don't know if your brain is all scrambled from all the molly you take but i never said that 165262

Answer (1 of 31) First of all, I can sympathise I've felt frustrated recently by the way my mind doesn't seem to work the way it used to, my bad shortterm memory and the way things seem to go in one ear and out the other!The brain is gathering just enough information to interpret the word you're eyeballing The same concept applies to letters and words Our brains process all the letters of a word simultaneously and uses the letters as context for each other This is why we also can read words that have NUMRS 1NST3AD 0F L3773RSYou're not alone, it's a common problem If I mention it, the first rea

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I don't know if your brain is all scrambled from all the molly you take but i never said that

I don't know if your brain is all scrambled from all the molly you take but i never said that-I dont know if ur brain is scrambled from all the MOLLY u take but i never said that spread a lie like that and i'll fucking COME for u WE GOOD?Hey guys im 18 and lately ive been realizing that my thoughts are not normal, its like im tripping, first off still to this day i have yet kissed a girl or have been in a friendship/relationship with a girl, all throughout school i had lots of friends, very popular, was never home, doing lots of crazy/ fun stuff that no other teen does, but i was always hanging out with just guys because i

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"Youknow how I feel about you You must know it, especially after I helped you escape Section 31 But we can't I can't Become pregnant Not now" "Molly," he'd heard himself growl out He trembled where he stood "You've gone into heat, beautiful Omega You didn't tell me it was nearly your time" "It wasn't IsnUsing your brain to solve problems, answer questions and make decisions is best done when you're at your peak For night owls, this is obviously a much later period in the day On the other hand, if you're trying to do creative work, you'll actually have more luck when you're more tired and your brain isn't functioning as efficientlyYou'd be surprised to know, then, that the brain doesn't just have an autopilot mode of its own, but it's much better at a given task than the active part of the brain Studies have found that once you get good at something, the brain relegates the processing of that task to a separate brain region called default mode network (DMN), which

Don't eat the candy in the cupboard Don't look at your phone and drive Don't stare at the stranger across the way You are more inclined to do all of those things simply by telling yourself not to Instead of getting caught up in the frustration of repeating the same mistake, formulate another game planAfter I had psychosis for at least 6 months I couldn't think properly and my brain had this heavy feeling and it felt like it was pushing against my skull It was fairly constant It got better with time and therapy although I still get anxiety often, just not as bad Probably tormentation would be causing anxietyActu­al­ly, your brain does it for you with a func­tion known as inhibition 7 — Attention Imag­ine being on the beach There are peo­ple around you, chil­dren play­ing and laugh­ing, the waves beat­ing against the shore Yet, you are still able to block all of that out and focus your atten­tion on the book you are read­ing

I don't know if your brain is all scrambled from like, all the molly you take but i never said that if you spread a lie like that i will fucking come for you we good?I don't really know what to say about the situation Don't worry though, I'm sure if you keep an open mind you'll be able to find some people who really relate to you and don't avoid you when you need them most Wouldn't it be nice if all the people in this forum lived in the same city?The ones you told me about, on his phone I don't know if your brain is all scrambled from, like, all the Molly you take, but I never said that If you spread a lie like that, I will fucking come for you We good?

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I am positive that my problem is indeed serotonin, especially after I read the book The Edge Effect and took its assessment testFor those of you who dont know, 5 htp is a natural vitiamin/capulse tablet that you take to increase serotonin levels in the brainHonestly if you don't stress and don't expect everything to come back 100% in a certain amount of time then day by day things just start getting better and tolerable Thinking things like I *WILL* BE BACK TO NORMAL IN TWO WEEKS justWe don't even know what the theory will look like One of the traditional challenges to consciousness research is studying it experimentally

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You'll never think about it the same way again Advertisement 1 The adult human brain weighs approximately 3 pounds Men average 29 pounds (1,336 grams) and women average 26 pounds (1,198 grams) A bigger brain doesn't correlate to higher intelligence After all, Albert Einstein's brain weighed a rather average 27 pounds (1,230 gramsWellKnown Member #1 I've really been quite sober for awhile (well what I consider sober I guess lol) but recently, my brain can't think right I type differently than I used too, I don't think of things to say in conversations because I think 'fuck it' and then I just stop talking People are really puzzled by that one lolSafety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators

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Scramble (one's) brains verb to cause a person to suffer a head injury He got hit playing football and it really scrambled his brainsI dont know if ur brain is scrambled from all the MOLLY u take but i never said that spread a lie like that and i'll fucking COME for u WE GOOD?TikTok video from ezra (@vanillaarose) #fyp #lyrics i don't know if your brain is all scrambled from like, all the molly you take but i never said that if you spread a lie like that i

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Experts think it's due to a malfunction of a part of the brain called the parietal lobe, which is in charge of keeping track of where your body is versus all the stuff in your environment you're trying to avoid running intoWhen it goes astray, your whole spatial awareness goes berserk Your front door can appear to be the size of your fist, a cockroach as big as a dog5 Candida and poor digestive health – Whether you know it or not, your enteric nervous system in your intestines has the same number of neurotransmitters as your brain Scientists have found that some decisions are made in your enteric nervous system before they travel up to your brainThe whole idea of alcohol destroying your brain actually dates back to the temperance movement in America, circa 10 Using the now familiar tactic of It's OK to lie as long as it's for a good cause, the writers of the time claimed that alcohol would do everything from destroying your brain to making you catch fire if you drank too much Though the latter, if true,

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